Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Thoughts On: Black Friday & Holiday Shopping

Happy Holidays Blogginistas!!

So we have just ended an extended Cyber Monday week (I guess you can call it) full of steals & deals in stores & online. Since Black Friday, retailers have been packed with customers seeking savings & now the holiday shopping has officially begun!!

Like I’ve mentioned before, I work in retail…so the day after Turkey Day is my day…the day everyone in retail prepares all year for: Black Friday. It’s our kick off & countdown to the day AFTER Christmas (don’t forget about those post holiday deals!) I’ve always wanted to open a store on Black Friday & be there for the excited early morning shoppers…this year I got that chance. I arrived at work at 3AM. Yes, 3AM. I took a quick walk around the mall to see what was going on. Other stores had opened extra early since Macy’s had the genius idea to open at midnight. Let me just say, people are crazy! They were sleeping in the food court, waiting for stores to open. There were eager shoppers sitting against the windows of big name shops. By the time I had to open the doors of my store, customers were pressed up against the doors & I could barely get back into the store, for I was bombarded with bodies rushing in.

Anyways…enough about my experience. So now the holiday shopping has started, & I honestly am not the biggest fan. The malls & other shopping centers are beyond crowded…it just stresses me out. Dealing with last minute work from classes doesn’t help either. So how to get my holiday shopping done?…here’s my plan, hope it helps all of you!

-          Start NOW! There’s nothing like waiting until the last for anything…but when it comes to holiday shopping, the night before is probably the WORST time to venture off into a mall. If you start now, you won’t be spending all your $$$ at once & can get thoughtful gifts.

-          Make a List.(& check it twice) Before heading out to shop create a list of WHO you are buying for, WHAT you plan on buying & WHERE you plan to go. Staying organized & having an idea of what you want to accomplish makes your shopping experience much more pleasant.

-          Shop Online. I like to check out the deals that are happening on the web before I go to the stores. When you start early, you have the advantage of utilizing free shipping deals & not having to rush a gift to be overnight-ed. Also, I like to preview what the store has in stock by perusing the website so I know what I’m looking for.

-          Shop Smart. As much as a coupon is a way for retailers to get customers back into the store…coupons are also your best friends! A lot of stores allow you to combine their in-store promos with their coupons, which leads to awesome savings!

-          Treat Yourself! I know…this time of year is when we are all short on $$$, but probably one of the best feelings after a long day of shopping is knowing that you picked something up for yourself.

There you have it Blogginistas! I wish you all luck shopping for the holidays, we all know it’s a crazy time of year…but have fun! So…what are your shopping tips???

Love always,



  1. Heyy! I am one of those people who make a list and shops online. I also did do the whole black friday shopping. Right after everyone leaves I shop all night until I have to be at work. I love getting all my shopping done that day as crazy as everyone might think I am. =]

  2. I hate the mall in general and refuse to go to the mall during the holiday season, it's like my worst nightmare. I seem to fall under the category of last minute shoppers, but this year I'm going to try and be more prepared. Thanks for the tips, hopefully they'll come in handy!!

  3. Shopping for christmas, or really any time bugs me out too! it's like i'm just waiting for a panic attack! too many people, to much stress on if you REALLY should buy it, or which color, or which size REALLY fits better...i just cant take it. I do love buying gifts for people, so that's the only good side, even though i still hate the crowds and the stress...making lists and planning everything out definitely works though! Good luck shopping!
